August 08, 2013

Life, death and some unexpected incidents

Posted by Ams at 8/08/2013 05:48:00 PM 0 nailing
I know the title may sound a bit baffling but that is the title I want to give to this post.Today, after so many days, I felt my mind brimming with ideas to post here and I was not finding it easy sitting doing nothing. It was like an urge filling my mind, making it suffocate. I feel thankful to myself for beginning a blog like this here so that I could give vent to my thoughts over here.

The rainy season is at its topmost form in Kerala this year with more than 24 cm rainfall till now which is a very rare phenomenon in the last two decades. Today, the rain has stopped a bit but it’s still cloudy up above and I can hear the wind howling around blowing away the leaves over the treetops and also blowing away my clothes that were out to dry on the clothesline. I just hurried up and picked them up and came inside to sit down and write.

Four days ran away like in the blink of an eyelid. I was down with fever from Monday and I don’t know why I let myself travel till my workplace 130 km away and then back again when I myself felt the situation getting out of my control. Whew!!! Don’t want to think about those 7 hours of hell when my temperature just began to sore. Consulted the doc, took some heavy dose pills and I am back to near-normal.

These days have given me two great sorrows and I am not going to forget this rainy season ever. One of my good friends has lost his father to liver cirrhosis and the other sorrow I am not disclosing on ground of fear and respect to the people involved. So maybe that’s why I am feeling so disturbed at heart. It’s like my heart is saying something is not right around you. But what is the solution that I can offer??? There is no solution that happens to come to my mind other than offering my condolence to those living.

Everyone knows that death is always tragic and no one rejoices in death except if it is that of an enemy. Still death is inevitable and everyone respects death as he arrives as an uninvited guest at unexpected circumstances. We realise the beauty of life when we face the death of our dear and near ones. The death which really shook me was my uncle’s as I had mentioned somewhere in my older posts. Then there was the death of my squirrel over which I cried my heart out. Tears are intertwined with death. Sometimes I feel the futility of tears in the face of death. Isn’t that just our selfishness which brings tears to our eyes? Or is it real love for that person because of which we cry?Maybe both are involved on a 50-50 basis.

It has started to rain again. I am listening to a cheerful song from the movie YahaanCheeful music always makes your heart lighter and help you look at the lighter side of life, away from the hardships and sufferings at least for those five minutes the song is on. Let me say Bye to you on a cheerful note then.
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