It's not a new thing for me.It has been following me for the past few years. Whenever I forcefully overcome it, then you can find my post over here. So here comes one such:
Today, it was blazingly hot over here and now that the sun has come down, the earth is getting a bit cooler. Yesterday, it had rained over here which gave us all a cool and pleasant atmosphere and we had an outdoor dinner in the night just because my sis was all over for it. But even I enjoyed sitting out for dinner. The rain that we get in the middle of summer is usually called "Mango Shower". It is in this season that we get mangoes and jackfruits in our backyard. When I was in my teens, my summer was always spent at my mother's home, about 60 km away from my home. There we used to have lots of mango trees and jackfruit trees and there used to be swarming flies around. Myself and my cousins used to gulp down those mangoes and the jackfruit pieces as soon as they reached the ground. Those were wonderful times of life !!!
Every time I read a new book, I jot down the best lines in those book which I find worthwhile remembering even after the story fades into the memory. Last year, I read 'The Kite Runner' and it was a pretty impressive read and I found the book very touching to the end. There are a few quotes which I would like to mention here:
'Every woman needed a husband. Even if he did silence the song in her.'
This line was worth pondering over. Is it really true that no woman can live a decent life without marriage? Yeah, it's true. In an Indian society, no woman can live alone, rather, people won't let her live her life on her own. I am sure there won't be any single woman who has never had a taste of bitterness from other people's tongues about her own life, the doubtful glances, the nasty interpretations about visitors, and questions that follow her wherever she go. The only single women who could put an end to all those were those who got into such high respectable jobs where no one dare look at her that way. But there are so many women who are weak to respond because they look at their husbands as their only god and are ready to suffer anything under his rule.
'Life is a train, get on board.'
Very true, life is a journey which we all undertake to reach our destination and so we all get on board the 'life train' the moment we are born into this world.
'A man who has no conscience, no goodness, does not suffer.'
In today's world, we find so many murderers, rapists, thieves and such hard hearted criminals who don't care whether they will be punished for their acts or not. They just act upon their will and never stops to listen to their conscience. And when we see how easily they escape the law, it does make us wonder whether that man will ever change. No, such men will never change because they never suffer inside for the cruel deeds they do.
'When you tell a lie, you steal a man's right to the truth.'
A very wonderful line which tells us the significance of telling truth always. Lie never makes us win a situation but it also destroys someone else' rights.
So I hope everyone who reads this finds these quotes interesting and thought provoking. If so, just don't forget to share your views with me dears.....