March 10, 2012

The end is near....

Posted by Ams at 3/10/2012 08:23:00 AM 0 nailing
Just all of a sudden, a bloody idea crept onto my mind which I shouldn't have allowed to !!! "I should stop blogging"! Well, I know I am not being read by many other than the ones who know me and nowadays that ones have turned to just 'one' and I think there is no point in posting here if my thoughts just annoy others.
Well, it is just an idea now and I won't be going away anyway without a proper goodbye.

Life as I had told you earlier has come to a standstill. There seems to be no road ahead. It's dark all of a sudden. As if I all the street lights were put off by someone far away. No moonlight to guide through and the sun has stopped rising. All the dreams and all the good thoughts have flown away from my brain. I feel empty inside, an emptiness which cannot be filled by anything. No feeling of happiness can come near me as I am standing in stark darkness. All around I can feel the Harry Potter type 'dementor's' presence as if they are sucking the life out of me, the energy, the power, the happiness and the enthusiasm to move forward is all lost to them. I can feel them floating around me, devouring upon my youthful soul, drying me to the root so that my mind and soul gets desiccated.

Was this what I had been waiting all along? Was it for this that I fought with such rigour? Is this the way my life is going to end up? I wanted to change everything but now I don't feel strong enough for that. The people I cared no longer care for me because I am just a mere burden upon everyone. Is that the truth? Am I such a horrible person? Can't anyone see the pain I am going through? The way I am suffering? I was not the only one who brought this upon me. The one who brought this upon me is going to have a beautiful life very soon. Is it in the destiny of an innocent person to suffer for other's sins? No one knows the answers to what I am searching for. But heart just hopes....if someone could show me the way out.....
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